

Like every one else out there, I too hate wires, cables, cords so on and so forth. More so when they get tangled and especially when the tangled mess happens to be my earphones. *Argh*

There happens to be a scientific explanation behind this stuff. In a paper titled "Spontaneous Knotting of an Agitated String" ,Dorian Raymer and Douglas Smith have explained the relation between the agitation time, string length and the resulting knot formation using mathematical knot theory. According to this study, the probability of knot formation increases with increase in length of the string and with the increase in rate of rotation. Applying this principle to our earphones, we should be able to reduce the probability of them getting knotted either by having shorter earphone cords or by reducing their movement. Having shorter cords doesn't seem like a feasible solution but reducing the movement of the cord is definitely feasible and guess what?! It worked for me. 

I have been looking for a simple solution to this real complex everyday problem i.e. keeping my earphone cords untangled. A simple and very elegant solution has been the use of hair clips or binder clips to secure the cords. 

Personally, I prefer using hair clips over the binder clips. Binder clips are sometimes too tight on the cord so you have to either use a larger binder clip (which I don't prefer) or you might end up damaging the cord. Also, I find the hair clip idea more versatile as I can use it on cable of other kinds as well. 

Another simple solution I have heard is using twist ties to secure the cords but...Oops! wheres my twist tie gone?!

Like Einstein said, “When the solution is simple, God is answering.”  Looks like God has solved my tangled earphone problem! Hope yours gets solved too. 

Dorian M. Raymer and Douglas E. Smith, "Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string" 

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